Dino 246 Page 14 COOLING SYSTEM

Dino 246 Page 14  COOLING SYSTEM
Dino 246 Page 14 COOLING SYSTEM

Product Description

Dino 246 Page 14 COOLING SYSTEM

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Location in Parts DiagramPart #DescriptionQuantity Used
1607E80031Radiatore acqua1
2607800199Tubo collegamento radiatore al motore1
4101497Tirante sostegno radiatore1
5607800204Tubo sfiato1
6104523Nourice completa di tappo e tamponi1
7101507Interruttore termometrico1
8103470Raccordo a tre vie1
9101495Supporto elastico2
1295880306Bullone fiss. tirante2
22236E26825Tubo entrata nelio scambiatoreVale dal N. 029301
22236M26793Tubo entrata nello scambiatoreVale fino N. 029241
23236M26795ManicottoVale fino N. 029241
23236E26826ManicottoVale dal N. 029301
24236E26819Tubo dal motore al radiatoreVale fino N. 029241
24236E26822Tubo dal motore al radiatoreVale dal N. 029301
32607E40112Tubo per riscaldatoreVale fino W 029701
32607E40118Tubo per riscaldatoreVale dal N. 029721
33607M80030Tubo dal radiatore al motore1
34103474Motorino raffreddamento radiatore2
35236E36164Ventola a tre paleVale dopo esaurimento2
35236E36160Ventola a tre paleVale dal N. 02924 e fino ad esaurimento2
3520936128Ventola a tre paleVale fino N. 02924 - Dal N. 02930 e fino ad esaurimento vale solo per GD2
3693093Grano fiss. ventolaVale fino ad esaurimento N. 209-36128 - 236E-361602
38236M26796ManicottoVale fino N. 029241
38236E26828ManicottoVale dal N. 029301
39236E26823SemituboVale dal N. 029301
40236E26824RaccordoVale dal N. 029301
41607E40101Tubo dal tre vie al rubinetto riscaldatoreVale fino N. 035241
41607E40161Tubo dal tre vie al rubinetto riscaldatoreVale dal N. 035261
42607E40101Tre vie1
19688L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19689L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid1
19664L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid1
19665L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Alcantara- stitching1
19690L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Leather-1
19691L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19666L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Leather-1
19667L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19692L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19693L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid for1
19668L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19669L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid1
19694L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid1
19695L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid1
19670L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for USA and CDN- -For vehicles up to Ass. No. 86008 with seat with back panel without1
19671L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19696L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19697L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid for1
19672L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19673L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid for1
19698L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather-1
19699L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19674L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19675L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19700L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather-1
19701L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19676L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather--Valid for USA and CDN- -For vehicles up to Ass. No. 86008 with seat with back panel1
19677L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19702L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19703L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19678L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19679L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19704L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather-1
19705L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara- stitching1
19680L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19681L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19706L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19707L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19682L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19683L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1

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