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Click on part number below to order. If unable to click on part number please fill out and submit Parts Request Form below to order.

Location in Parts DiagramPart #DescriptionQuantity Used
1607E52391Ingranaggio folle R.M.1
2607E52446Perno per ingranaggio folle R.M.Dopo esaur. N. 607E-523911 e fino aI N. 041101
2607E55291Perno per ingranaggio folle R.M.Vale fino ad esaurimento1
2607E52459Perno per ingranaggio folle R.M.Vale dal N. 041121
3105733Albero per levaDopo esaur. N. 607E-5239481
3607E52394Albero per leva interna com. cambioFino esaur. N 607E-5239481
4607E15239Leva comando bilanciereVale fino ad esaurimento1
4607E52496Leva comando bilanciereDopo esaur. N. 607E-523950 e fino ad esaurimento1
4106213Leva comando bilanciereDopo esaur. N. 607E-5249621
5104265Bilanciere interno3
6104203Supporto per perno fissaggio-bilancieri1
7104266Perno fissaggio bilancieri1
8106214Forcellino comando asta l.a Vel. e RMDopo esaur. N. 607E-5249631
8607E52496Forcellino comando asta l.a vel. e RMDopo esaur. N. 607E-523955 e fino ad esaurimento1
8607E52395Forcellino comando asta 1 .a vel. e RMVale fino ad esaurimento1
907E52496Forcellino comando asta 2. a e 3. a vel.Dopo esaur. N. 607E-523956 e fino ad esaurimento1
9607E52395Forcellino comando asta 2.a e 3 a vel.Vale fino ad esaurimento1
9106215Forcellino comando asta 2.a e 3.a vel.Dopo esaur. N. 607E-5249641
10106216Forcellino comando asta 4.a e 5.a vel.Dopo esaur. N. 607E-5249651
10607E52395Forcellino comando asta 4. a e 5. a vel.Vale fino ad esaurimento1
10607E52496Forcellino comando asta 4 a e 5. a vel.Dopo esaur. N. 607E-523957 e fino ad esaurimento1
11607E52395Asta comando 1 a vel. e RM1
12607E52395Asta comando 2 a e 3. a vel.1
13607E52396Asta comando 4. a e 5. a vel.1
14104276Rullini arresto aste lateral!Dopo esaur. N. 1030102
14106374Rullino arresto aste lateral!Dopo esaur. N. 607E-5239622
15103010Rullino arresto asta centraleVale fino ad esaurimento1
15106375Rullino arresto asta centraleDopo esaur. N. 607E-5239621
16104277Boccola per puntalino arresto aste3
17100750Molla per puntalino arresto aste3
18104278Distanziale per molla1
19607E52396Forcella comando 1 a vel. e RMMontare sui manicotti N 100739 e 1045531
19607E52490Forcella comando 1.a vel. e RMMontare con manicotto N 1049731
20607E52490Forcella comando 2.a e 3.a vel.Montare con manicotto N 1049731
20607E52396Forcella comando 2. a e 3. a vel.Montare sui manicotti N 100739 e 1045531
21607E52396Forcella comando 4. a e 5.a vel.Montare sui manicotti N 100739 e 1045531
21607E52490Forcella comando 4. a e 5.a vel.Montare con manicotto N 1049731
2211500120THREADED STUD4
2695860063Anello di tenutaVale fino N 041101
2710336110Spina tenuta perno1
28101612Sfera ? 5/163
3111066876Anello elastico1
37103587Piastrina di sicurezza1
19688L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19689L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid1
19664L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid1
19665L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Leather- -Alcantara- stitching1
19690L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Leather-1
19691L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19666L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Leather-1
19667L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19692L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19693L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid for1
19668L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19669L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Logerzy- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid1
19694L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid1
19695L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid1
19670L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for USA and CDN- -For vehicles up to Ass. No. 86008 with seat with back panel without1
19671L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping+Quilt- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19696L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19697L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid for1
19672L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather- -Valid for1
19673L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara- -Valid for1
19698L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather-1
19699L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara-1
19674L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19675L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19700L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather-1
19701L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19676L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather--Valid for USA and CDN- -For vehicles up to Ass. No. 86008 with seat with back panel1
19677L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Cadenino- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19702L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19703L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19678L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19679L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Daytona + lining- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19704L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather- -Leather-1
19705L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather- -Alcantara- stitching1
19680L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19681L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Lozengy- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19706L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19707L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Basic- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19682L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1
19683L.H. SEAT COMPLETE WITH GUIDES -Easy entry- -Full OPT- -Piping + Quilt- -Carbon- -Leather-1

Tom Vail's All Ferrari Parts Request Form

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